Joseph A. Macau


Joseph A. Macau

 Chief Financial Officer &  Chief Operating Officer 


Joseph A. Macau is the Chief Financial Officer and Chief Operating Officer for Florida Cardiology, PA. Mr. Macau is a Certified Public Accountant, a Chartered Global Management Accountant and holds a Masters of Business Administration from the University of Miami and Bachelor Degree in Accounting, Finance and International Business from Indiana University. Mr. Macau is a results driven Executive with a proven track record of success. Joseph started his career at Price Waterhouse LLP (now PricewaterhouseCoopers, LLP) servicing a variety of hospital and health care related clients. He has also held executive positions within private equity, real estate development, transportation and financial service companies. Mr. Macau is involved with various philanthropic organizations and is a member of the AIPCA, FICPA and Financial Executives International.


Joseph A. Macau

 Chief Financial Officer and Chief Operating Officer 


Joseph A. Macau is the Chief Financial Officer and Chief Operating Officer for Florida Cardiology, PA. Mr. Macau is a Certified Public Accountant, a Chartered Global Management Accountant and holds a Masters of Business Administration from the University of Miami and Bachelor Degree in Accounting, Finance and International Business from Indiana University. Mr. Macau is a results driven Executive with a proven track record of success. Joseph started his career at Price Waterhouse LLP (now PricewaterhouseCoopers, LLP) servicing a variety of hospital and health care related clients. He has also held executive positions within private equity, real estate development, transportation and financial service companies. Mr. Macau is involved with various philanthropic organizations and is a member of the AIPCA, FICPA and Financial Executives International.

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Joseph A. Macau is the Chief Financial Officer and Chief Operating Officer for Florida Cardiology, PA. Mr. Macau is a Certified Public Accountant, a Chartered Global Management Accountant and holds a Masters of Business Administration from the University of Miami and Bachelor Degree in Accounting, Finance and International Business from Indiana University. Mr. Macau is a results driven Executive with a proven track record of success. Joseph started his career at Price Waterhouse LLP (now PricewaterhouseCoopers, LLP) servicing a variety of hospital and health care related clients. He has also held executive positions within private equity, real estate development, transportation and financial service companies. Mr. Macau is involved with various philanthropic organizations and is a member of the AIPCA, FICPA and Financial Executives International.

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